First off, DEV apps are not a “bad quality” version of Qoddi’s instances.
Instead, DEV apps run on the same clusters and datacenters as other apps but with limited resources allocated. In addition, Dev Apps are only able to run static websites and does not support building apps.
Features of DEV apps
DEV apps only have:
- Shared CPU Core (no dedicated ressources, max 1 vCPU at any time)
- 512 MB RAM
- Static websites only
- No datastores or custom domains can be used with Dev Apps
Scaling features are not available with Dev Apps.
DEV apps are free instances to allow you to test Qoddi for free but should never be used to host complex websites or dynamic apps.
DEV apps cannot use more than the quota of resources assigned to them: if the limit of CPU or RAM is reached (even slightly), the app will crash and automatically restart. This can negatively impact the app’s reliability, and DEV apps should never be used for production services.
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