Static Assets

Qoddi is made to build, host, and scale apps from a Git Repository or a Docker Image and perfectly suited to host static assets in a high availability environment with scaling capabilities

You can leverage the high availability of Qoddi’s infrastructure to host a static website using the Static Asset addon or using the PHP buildpack.

Static Add-on

The Qoddi Static add-on can be used along another language to deploy static assets or a single web page. More information on this add-on is available here.

PHP Buildpack

This Github repository can be forked or deployed on Qoddi and it’s a good place to start.

What we do here is :

  • Create a PHP app on Qoddi
  • Create a composer.json with only “{}” inside to activate the PHP buildpack
  • Assets and HTML files will be served by the Qoddi app, index.html will be used as the index file

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