Gradle support

Qoddi’s Gradle buildpack uses Gradle to build your application and OpenJDK to run it.


  1. Install the Gradle Wrapper into your project.
    • This allows control over the Gradle version and exact distribution to be used.
  2. Specify the Java version to be used as per these instructions (see specify a Java version).
  3. Make sure you have a or a gradlew file in your repository.

If you are using gradlew, then you must also add your gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar and gradle/wrapper/ files to your Git repository. Also, they must not be ignored in your .gitignore file. If you do not add these files, you will receive an error.

The Gradle buildpack will run different build tasks depending on the frameworks it detects in your app. For Spring Boot, it will run ./gradlew build -x test. For Ratpack, it will run ./gradlew installDist -x test. If no known web frameworks are detected, it will run ./gradlew stage

If the framework you’re using does not automatically vendor dependencies for you, then your build.gradle file should include a Copy task that tells Gradle to copy the jar files that your app depends on to the build/libs directory. This way, they are put into the slug, and the .m2 directory can be removed from the slug.

Specify a Java version

Optionally you can specify a Java version by following the steps detailed here (see Specify a Java Version).

Default web process type

The Gradle buildpack will automatically detect the use of the Spring Boot and Ratpack web frameworks. For Spring Boot, it will create a web process type with the following command:

java -Dserver.port=$PORT $JAVA_OPTS -jar build/libs/*.jar

For Ratpack, the buildpack will use a command in the following form:


Where ${} is the value configured in your Gradle build (often in your settings.gradle).

If you need to customize or override the default web command, you must create a Procfile

See the Java documentation about the Procfile

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