Resolving Build failures

A build failure is common and, in most cases, can be fixed very easily by using this checklist:

Verify the buildpack selected for your application

The specific file needs to be checked into your Git repository for the builder to select automatically the buildpack to use with your application.
Qoddi adheres to and Heroku buildpack requirements.

The file needed for each language is :

CodeFile required
NodeJS and frameworkspackage.json
Rack support for RubyGemfile

Ruby Builds

Qoddi’s buildpack for Ruby only includes minimal support for web servers and Ruby version 2.7.0.
For rack-based servers, adding a file to your Git repository automatically activates extends the buildpack with Rack.

NodeJs Errors

The main reason why a NodeJS build fails is that the dependencies are not correctly declared inside the package.json file.

Before relaunching a build, verify the following:

  • Qoddi builds devDependencies during the build phase and use only Dependencies for the running build, pruning the image before sending it to the registry.
  • Make sure the Node version used is supported by Qoddi and update it if necessary.
  • Verify the npm version and that the dependencies you are trying to use is available

Do not include databases connections inside the build sequence

Qoddi’s data stores are reachable only from inside your app stack, and independent builders on a separate network are building the app. Builders cannot access Qoddi’s data stores, and if you have a connection to a Qoddi data store during your build, it will likely fail.

In addition, you should not store database credentials in your code but instead, use env variables to connect to your databases.

Max building time expired, your build sequence may have a loop or something is wrong.

This means your build exceeds the maximum time allowed by the builder to build your app (1 hour in general).

The main common cause of this error is a deprecated element in your package.json (for Node apps) or a source that is not reachable by Qoddi to build your app. Make sure your package.json is up to date, and try to build your app locally before trying again.

This can also happen if you try to use an old Node version; make sure to use only the current version for faster builds.

If your build sequence refers to external artifacts or components and those become unreachable, this error can also happen.

Note: Recheck your app build logs after a while, if the build has failed due to a network issue or outdated components, the build log will be updated later when the builders are rebuilt and pruned.

Contact us for help

If you are still encountering difficulties in building your app, Contact Us so we can help.

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