Qoddi is a complete Platform-As-A-Service solution.
Qoddi’s Dev Apps are free and never sleep. You can launch up to 3 dev apps at the same time to test code, launch staging projects, etc.
Qoddi maintains its own clusters of servers with isolated builders for increased build performance and its own network solutions to deploy and scale your apps.
Qoddi doesn’t rely on a third party to work, and you don’t need to have an account with another third party. Qovery, on the other hand, requires an AWS account (which leads to paying AWS costs) to launch production apps.
Qoddi is 100% vendor-lock free, uses open-sourced buildpacks for all supported languages, and supports Docker images from Docker Hub, meaning no Qoddi-specific configuration files to write and migrate from or to another service.
You can migrate out of Qoddi at any time by deploying your app to another PaaS provider (that may require configuration files) or another Docker hosting solution.
Finally, Qoddi’s web interface is quite simple to use, and it does all the work in the background. It allocates resources, network configurations, load balancers, and builders.
Everything is automated and managed behind the scene.
Discover more information on Heroku, Qovery and Qoddi on this post.
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